11th Class English Felling of the Banyan Tree

  • question_answer 1)
    No trees except the one which grows and seethes in one's dreams'– why is the phrase 'grows and seethes' used?  


    In the climax of the poem, the poet with his family moved to Baroda. There, the poet sees banyan tree. The memory of the banyan tree in his own garden rushes to him. And now that the tree in reality is dead, for his father brought it down, the poet carries its memories in his faded dreams. The poet personifies the banyan tree by saying that this tree is the one that grows in one's dreams, i.e., in poet's dreams. There in the dreams, the tree seethes, i.e., boils. It is to be considered for why the poet has used the second term. Is it possible that the tree is in anguish, because it was brought down, and thus it boils in anger while it grows in the poet's dreams though dead in reality.

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