11th Class English The Adventure of the Three Garridebs

  • question_answer 2)
    What was John Garrideb's objective in inventing the story of Alexander Hamilton Garrideb and his legacy?      


    John Garrideb's was a fool proof plan. However, as Holmes said even the best criminals leave behind some clues. John had the knowledge of a note printing machine, cloistered below the room Nathan Garideb was living in. The previous tenant of the room was a man named Waldron or Rodger Presbury, he was the owner of the machine and he was shot by John Garrideb or James Winter, alias Morecroft, alias Killer Evans. Thus, so that no body suspects his intentions, Garrideb wove the intricate plan and decided to break in Nathan's house when he was off to Birmingham to see the third Garrideb.

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