11th Class English The Summer Of The Beautiful White Horse - William Saroyan

  • question_answer 1)
    "One day back there in the good old days when I was nine and the world was full of every imaginable kind of magnificence, and life was still a delightful and mysterious dream...". The story begins in a mood of nostalgia. Can you narrate some incident from your childhood that might make an interesting story?    


    Reading these lines one cannot stop from travelling down the memory lanes of childhood. It was not long ago that my father was transferred to a place where there were not good schools. My parents were indecisive about taking me along or to leave me with my uncle. I insisted upon going with them. They were not left with any choice but to take me along with them.   'Raniganj' was a breathtakingly beautiful place. There was a huge palatial bungalow with a massive garden. Since it was close to the wild forests used to find a lot of wondering wild animals in my garden in the morning. What was very surprising was that none of them harmed me. One day, I saw a small deer. The moment I saw it, I decided to rear it. Everybody advised me against it. But, I had taken it as a challenge. Every morning, he would come sauntering down my garden. I used to feed him green leaves and water.   In two-three days time, we became good friends. Then, he would stay back in the Verandah at night. How the days flew! I started dreaming of keeping this beautiful creature always with me. Finally, my dream was shattered when after some time, my father was posted back to the city. I had .to leave my beautiful friend in his natural habitat.  

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