12th Class Biology Environmental Issue And Environmental Pollution

  • question_answer 1)
    Describe briefly the following: (a) Green house gases. (b) Catalytic converters. (c) Ultraviolet B radiations.  


    (a) Green house gases: The gases which are transparent to solar radiations but retain and partially reflect back long wave heat radiations are called green house gases. Green house gases are essential for keeping the earth warm and hospitable. They are also called radiatively active gases. The prevent a substantial part of long wave radiations emitted by earth to escape into space. Rather green house gases radiate a part of this energy back to the earth. The phenomenon is called green house flux. Because of green house flux, the mean annual temperature of earth is . In its absence it will fall to . However, recently the concentration of green has started rising resulting in enhanced green house effect that is resulting in increasing the mean global temperature. It is called global warming. A regular assessment of abundance of green house gases and their impact on global environment is being made by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). The various green house gases re (warming effect 60%), (effect 20%) chlorofluorocarbons of CFCs (14%) and nitrous oxide . Others of minor significance are water vapour and ozone.  

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