The differences between asexual and sexual
reproduction are mentioned below
Asexual reproduction occurs
usually in unicellular organisms, such as monerans and protists and in plants
and certain animals. It takes place in the following ways
(i) Binary Fission In
this type of asexual reproduction, the parent organism divides into two halves,
each half forming an independent daughter organism. e.g., Amoeba, Euglena,
(ii) Budding In this type
of asexual reproduction, a daughter individual is formed from a small
projection, the bud, arising from the parent body. e.g., yeast, Hydra.
(iii) Fragmentation In
this type of asexual reproduction, the parent body breaks into two or more
fragment. Each body fragment develops into an organism .e.g., sponges, Selaginella.
(iv) Gemmule In this type
of asexual reproduction, internal buds, called gemmules are involved. Gemmules
are asexually reproduced mass of cells, that is capable of developing into a
new organism. e.g., sponges.
(v) Sporulation In this
type of asexual reproduction, dispersive structures called spores are released
from the parent body that germinate under favourable conditions form new
(a) Motile spores are called
zoospores and are found in aquatic animals .e.g., Albugo, Chlamydomonas.
(b) Non-motile spores are named
as sporangiospores (e.g., Rhizopus, Mucor) and conidia e.g. ,Penicillium.
Sexual Reproduction
Somatic cells are involved.
It involves the production of asexual spores
Offspring are genetically similar to parents.
The rate of reproduction is faster.
Bi parental
Germ cells are involved.
It involves the formation and fusion of gametes.
Offspring are genetically dissimilar to parents.
The rate of reproduction is slower.
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