No, management does not possess all the characteristics of a full fledged profession. The reasons go as follows
(i) Well-defined Body of Knowledge All professions are based on a well-defined body of knowledge that can be acquired teaching - learning process. This feature of a profession is possessed by management as well. There is vast knowledge available on management in the form of definitions, concepts, theories, principles etc.
(ii) Restricted Entry All professions have a restriction or the entry of its practitioners. They have to acquire a specific degree to be professional e.g., LLB for a lawyer MBBS for a doctor etc. But a manager can be an MBA qualified or not.
(iii) Professional Association All professions are affiliated to a professional association which regulates entry, grants certificate of practice and formulates a code of conduct e.g., all lawyers have to be a member of Bar Council to practice law. It is not compulsory for all managers to be a member of AIMA.
(iv) Ethical Code of Conduct All professions are bound by a ethical code of conduct which guides the behavior of its members. But as it is not compulsory for all managers to be members of AIMA, they all may not be aware of the prescribed code of conduct of AIMA.
(v) Service Motive All basic motive to serve their client's interest, e.g., lawyers to get justice for their clients, doctors to treat the patients etc. All managers also work in a manner where by they show their effectiveness and efficiency in the form of good quality goods provided to the customer at a reasonable price.
Thus, management possesses some characteristics of a profession but not all.
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