Tick the item which best answers the following:
(a) 'The tall girl with her head weighed down' means
The girl
(i) is ill and exhausted
(ii) has her head bent with shame
(iii) has untidy hair
(b) 'The paper-seeming boy, with rat's eyes7 means
The boy is
(i) sly and secretive
(ii) thin, hungry, and weak
(iii) unpleasant looking
(c) 'The stunted, unlucky heir Of twisted bones' means
The boy
(i) has an inherited disability
(ii) was short and bony
(d) 'His eyes live in a dream, of squirrels game, in tree room. Other than this' means
The boy is
(i) full of hope in the future
(ii) mentally ill
(iii) distracted from the lesson
(e) The children's faces are compared to 'rootless weeds'
This means they
(i) are insecure
(ii) are ill-fed
(iii) are wasters
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