12th Class English Going Places

  • question_answer 12)
    How would you describe the character and temperament of Sophie’s father?    


    Sophie's father was a hardworking man. He is described as a plump and a heavy breathing man in a vest. His face was grubby and sweaty after the day's hard work. When Geoff told him about Sophie meeting with Danny, he said nothing but looked at her disparagingly, knowing it to be untrue. All he said was that Danny needed to take his game more seriously. When Sophie said that he had informed her that he was going to buy a shop, the father frowned knowingly, as he felt it was another of her 'wild stories' and was afraid that she would talk herself 'into a load of trouble'. This made her apprehensive of talking about such fantasies to him.   But, he was a sports lover. Watching United each Saturday" was a 'weekly pilgrimage'. As a sports enthusiast, he had shouted encouragement to Danny. He also went to the pub to celebrate the victory   

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