12th Class English On the face of It

  • question_answer 1)
    The actual pain or the inconvenience caused by a physical impairment is often less than the sense of alienation felt by the person with a disability. What is the kind of behavior that the person expects from others?  


    The right word for 'physical impairment' is ‘differently-abled ’- a to view them in a more positive tight. But, it is cruel that over 90 million physically-challenged children worldwide, of whom 36 million are in India, are being systemically excluded from mainstream education. Many of them are stereotyped frequently and also face alienation even within their own families. The least they would expect is more acceptance of and no ostracism of the disabled. They would expect us to understand that they can be highly productive, contributing citizens. Issues of physical accessibility are just the tip of the iceberg. Instead of questioning the need for civil rights for people with disabilities, we must question a society in which these rights are not the norm. We must question whether the people who are able bodied, are confronted with metaphors in which blindness and deafness are equated with imperfection. The most important thing we can do is value the voices of the people with disabilities themselves. History is .fraught with well-meaning individuals who truly desired to assist people with disabilities, but in their haste to help, they neglected to empower these people to be their own advocates. We must allow people with disabilities to become the subjects rather than the objects of their own history, Each of us must continually question our own presumptions and attitudes. We must be willing to give people with disabilities their rightful place at the conversation table and be willing to listen to their truth.  

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