tycoon—From the Japanese word taikun, meaning 'great lord, shogun'.
barbecue—It is borrowed from the Spanish barbacoa, a framework used for storing meat or fish that was to be dried or smoked. It was also used to mean a framework on which one could sleep. The Spanish word came from the Arawak barbacoa, meaning 'a framework of sticks on posts' referring to the framework of such a structure.
zero—The word zero comes through the Arabic literal translation of the Sanskrit uunya meaning
void or empty, into cifr meaning empty or vacant. Through transliteration, this became zephyr or zephyrus in Latin. The, word zephyrus already meant 'west wind' in Latin; the proper noun Zephyrus was the Roman god of the West Wind (after the Greek god Zephyros). With its new use for the concept of zero, zephyr came to mean a light breeze—'an almost nothing'.
tulip—The word originated in Turkey. It was derived from dulband which meant turban and somewhat described the shape of the flower.
veranda—The word originated in India where it is found in several native languages. However, it may have been an adaptation of the Portuguese and Spanish word baranda referring to a railing, balustrade, or balcony.
ski—The word 'ski' (pronounced 'shee' in Norwegian) is derived Jrom the old Norsk word skith meaning to split a piece of firewood.
logo—A logo (from the Greek word logotipos) is a graphic element, symbol, or icon of a trademark or brand and together with its logotype, is set in a unique typeface or arranged in a particular way.
robot—Robot comes from the Czech word robot, which means 'worker.'
trek—ft is borrowed from the Dutch word trekken which means to 'draw, pull, travel'.
bandicoot—'Bandicoot', a large rat, derives its name from Pandhikoku in Telugu, which meant 'pig-like'.
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