Against Learning Three Languages at School
The school education boards have revised their syllabi taking into account the load of physical burden and the difficulty level of the age group Jive to seventeen. The boards assert that the syllabi are learner-friendly. The scheme of studies at the upper primary stage, has provided for teaching and learning three languages—mother tongue, Modern Indian language, and English. In the first two standards, the use of the mother tongue has been recommended, while English is introduced a little later. What makes it untenable is that the states are forced to adopt the three-language formula. It is indefensible, especially when for standard nine and ten, two languages have been prescribed with the option of having Sanskrit as the third language. Here, English
is not made compulsory. At the higher secondary stage, the board is conveniently silent about the number of languages. Moreover, is this not an attempt to force Hindi on all the non-Hindi speaking states?
To conclude, the framers of the syllabi for six to eight have Jailed to take into consideration the difficulty that could be faced by the first generation learners and children living in under-privileged conditions. There is anxiety to introduce English and Hindi at all levels. No efforts should be spared to make school-going a pleasurable experience for both the taught and the teacher.
In Favour of Learning Languages
There has been an ongoing debate over the languages to be included into the school curriculum. This is not surprising in a multilingual country like India. Hindi is spoken in many states of India and being the official language of the Government of India, it is generally accepted as the official language of India. If one is not familiar with Hindi and steps into a Hindi-speaking state, one faces a communication vacuum. Moreover, the mother tongue cannot be the medium of instruction in schools, as imposition of such a rule will only restrict the boundaries of knowledge and the scope of one's career.
Most often, a person who is not proficient in English is considered to be unintelligent, though such a conclusion is totally illogical. Yet, with the simultaneous emergence of multinational companies and their culture, this English-fixation is something one cannot avoid.
Moreover, the use of language is a skill that children can acquire faster and more easily than adults, ft is astonishing to observe that very young children, after crossing the initial struggle to communicate, quickly master the language that they are exposed to. The language learning abilities are at their best between three and eleven years of age and decrease as a person grows older.
Children can learn many languages simultaneously, without one language interfering with the other, if learning can be made enjoyable, if the choice of the texts is wise and, if the classroom methodology is carefully adopted, children do enjoy learning languages. We must tap their natural capacity to learn languages.
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