(a) When Franz wondered whether they would make even the pigeons sing in German, he meant that they had grown up using French as their language. Now, taking it away from them would be unfair and unkind. The language was as natural to them as cooing is to the pigeons. Robbing them of it and forcing German on them would be not only difficult but next to impossible.
(b) It is difficult for people to accept a language which is imposed on them. French was their mother tongue and they were comfortable using it as their own. It would not be easy to switch to a different language.
(c) Language is a tool for communication. Adopting a new language causes pain and discomfort. It was not going to be easy for them to adapt to the new situation—and adopt German that was forced on to them. Moreover, they identified with the French language. It was a factor that helped them bond with their fellow brethren.
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