12th Class English The Rattrap - Selma Lagerlof

  • question_answer 1)
    The story is both entertaining and philosophical. Discuss.  


    The entertaining points of the story are: (a) The peddler's sense of humour and his tendency to philosophize despite odds. (b) The suspense created whereby every moment the reader waits for what would happen next. There are many surprising twists and turns in the tale. (c)   Third, the situations are comical such as the revelation of the peddler's identity after the valet had bathed him.   The philosophical points of the story are: (a)  The entire theory that life is one big rattrap. This often does seem to be the case after all, if one takes something one wants wrongfully, one will usually get trapped in life by one's consequences. (b) Also, the tale says something about second chances, stating that everyone should get another chance.  

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