Let A be the set of
all lines in xy plane
R = {L1
, L2} : L1 is parallel to L2}
R = {(L1,
L2} : L1 || L2}
Reflexive :
Since every time ?L? is parallel to itself, therefore (L, L)
is reflexive.
Symmetric :
Let (L1, L2)
is parallel
to L2
is parallel
to L1
: Let (L1, L2)
and (L2,
is parallel to
L2 and L2 is parallel to L3
is parallel
to L3
Hence R is an
equilivalence relation.
Let B be the set
of lines related to the line y = 2x + 4.
is a line
parallel to y = 2x + 4}
whose equation
y = 2x + K, K
being any real}.
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