7th Class English The Tiny Teacher

  • question_answer 1)
    (i) What problems are you likely to face if you keep ants a pets? (ii) When a group of bees find nectaer, it informs other bees of its location, quantity, etc. through dancing.  Can you guess what ants communicate to their fellow ants by touching one another's feelers ?


    (i)Keeping ants as pets is not an easy task. They will create Disturbances  at every step. They will walk all over the way. They may Bite us frequently. They may destroy our household things. All the time we will have to keep an eye on them. This will hamper our daily work. (ii)Ant's feelers are their communicators when they meet their firilows, first they greet them. They also get an exchange information about food and their destination.

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