9th Class Science The Fundamental Unit of Life

  • question_answer 1)
      Match the following columns
    Column-I Column-II
    A. Smooth endoplasmic 1. Amoeba
    B. Lysosome 2. Nucleus
    C. Nucleoid 3. Bacteria
    D. Food vacuoles 4. Detoxification
    E. Chromatin material and nucleolus 5. Suicidal bag


      The correct matching is                 One of the special function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum of liver of vertebrate is detoxification. Lysosomes are called the suicidal bags of cell as they digest the organelles of their own cell. Nucieoid is the undifferentiated nuclear region of a prokaryotic cell and bacteria are prokaryote. Food vacuoles are present in Amoeba to store the food trapped by endocytosis. Nucleus is composed of two membrane called nuclear membrane, nucleolus, nucleolus and chromatin material.

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