9th Class Science The Fundamental Unit of Life

  • question_answer 1)
      How is bacterial cell different from onion pell?


      The major differences between bacterial cell (prokaryotic) and onion peel (eukaryotic) are tabulated below  
    Bacterial cell Onion peel
    1. Size of a cell is generally small (1-10 mm) 1. Size of a cell is generally large (5-100 mm).
    2. Nucleus is absent (nuclear region or nucleoid is not surrounded by a nuclear membrane.) 2. Nucleus is present (nuclear  material is surrounded by a nuclear membrane).
    3. ft contains a single chromosome. 3. It contains more than one ' chromosome.
    4. Nucleolus is absent 4. Nucleolus is present.
    5. Membrane bound cell  organelles are absent. 5. Membrane bound cell  organelles such as mitochondria, plastids, endoplasmic  eticulum, Golgi  apparatus, lysosomes, peroxisomes, etc., are present.
    6. Cell division takes place by  fission or budding (no mitosis). 6. Cell division occurs by mitotic  of meiotic cell division.

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