9th Class Social Science Drainage

  • question_answer 1)
     Discuss the significant difference between the Himalayan and the peninsular rivers.  


              Himalayan River              Peninsular Rivers
    1 Himalayan rivers are perennial and flow the throughout the year. A large number of peninsular rivers are seasonal and flow during a certain period in a year.
    2 They receive water from rainfall and melting snow of the mountains and glaciers. They receive water from rainfall only.
    3 The Himalayan rivers have long courses. The peninsular river have short and shallow courses.
    4 They carry a lot silt and sand. They carry very less or no silt and sand.
    5 These rivers originate from the North of the Himalayan mountain ranges. They mainly originate in the Western Ghats.
    6 Their drainage basins are large. Their drainage basins are small.
    7 These rivers form big deltas. They form small deltas.
    8 They are useful for irrigation, cultivation and navigation. They are seasonal and flow over rocky areas and are not useful for cultivation and navigation

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