9th Class Social Science Working of Institutions

  • question_answer 29)
    Did you protest when the book referred to the Prime Minister as 'he'? Have we not had a woman Prime Minister? Why should we assume that all the important positions are held by men?  


    No, I did not protest, when the book referred to the Prime Minister as 'he' because at present we have a male person as a Prime Minister. When we are referring to the post in general we can use her/him simultaneously to show that the said post can be occupied by either males or females.   Yes, we should not assume that all important positions are held by men, women too occupy high positions but that is an exception and not the rule, generally speaking in most of the cases important positions are indeed occupied by men. There is a need to increase the participation of women in politics by providing them at least 1/3rd reservation in the State Assemblies and Parliament.    

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