9th Class Social Science Working of Institutions

  • question_answer 43)
    A teacher was making preparations for a mock Parliament. She called two students to act as leaders of two political parties. She gave them an option: Each one could choose to have a majority either in the mock Lok Sabha or in he mock Rajya Sabha. If this choice was given to you, which one would you choose and why?  


    I would choose to have a majority in the mock Lok Sabha because the Lok Sabha is more powerful that the Rajya Sabha in the following ways                                              (a) Money Bills can originate only in the Lok Sabha.   (b) In case of a joint session, the Lok Sabha prevails in the voting because it has more members.   (c) The Council of Ministers are responsible and answerable to the Lok Sabha.   (d) The Lok Sabha is directly elected by the voters of the country and represents the will of the people.  

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