(a) We have, 578 x 161 578 \[\to \] 600 [rounding off to nearest hundreds] 161 \[\to \] 200 [rounding off to nearest hundreds] \[\therefore \] Estimated product = 600 x 200 = 1,20,000 (b) We have, 5281 x 3491 5281 \[\to \] 5000 [rounding off to nearest thousands] 3491 \[\to \] 3500 [rounding off to nearest hundreds] \[\therefore \] Estimated product = 5000 x 3500 = 1,75,00,000 (c) We have, 1291 x 592 1291\[\to \] 1300 [rounding off to nearest hundreds] 592\[\to \] 600 [rounding off to nearest hundreds] \[\therefore \] Estimated product = 1300 x 600 = 7,80,000 (d) We have, 9250 x 29 9250\[\to \]9000 [rounding off to nearest thousands] 29 \[\to \]30 [rounding off to nearest tens] \[\therefore \] Estimated product = 9000 x 30 = 2,70,000
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