7th Class Mathematics The Triangle and its Properties

  • question_answer 10)
    AM is a median of a triangle ABC.                             Is \[AB+BC+CA>2AM?\] (Consider the sides of triangles \[\Delta ABM\] and \[\Delta AMC\].)                


                    In \[\Delta ABM\],                 \[AB+BM>AM\]                               \[\left| \begin{align}   & \text{Sum of the length of any two side of a triangle } \\  & \text{is greater than the lenth of the third side} \\ \end{align} \right.\]        In \[\Delta ACM\], \[CA+CM>AM\]                                               ? (2) \[\left| \begin{align}   & \text{Sum of the lenths of any two sides of a triangle} \\  & \text{is greater than the lenth of the third side} \\ \end{align} \right.\] Sum (1) and (2), \[(AB+BM)+(CA+CM)>AM+AM\] \[\Rightarrow \]               \[AB+(BM+CM)+CA>2AM\] \[\Rightarrow \]               \[AB+BC+CA>2AM\]

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