Essays Computer Science

Computer Science

Category : Essays

I have always been interested and intrigued by computers, ever since using a P-3 when I was very young. Since then I have become fluent in writing BASIC and more recently I have learnt HTML, the language of the World Wide Web on which I have my own we site.

I use computers for most of my exam coursework such as Solving Equations Using Numerical Methods for Pure maths 2 and also for recreation.

My A-level studies are Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Design Technology. I have always been fascinated by numbers and this interest is continuing, hence my choices in A-level subjects.

I enjoy the application of Mathematics to Physics. In Design Technology I can be creative and at the same time use my knowledge of Mathematics and Physics to help solve problems.

I am applying for the course of Computer Science because I would like to increase my knowledge of this subject. I hope that in the future I will be able to create applications for computers that will help people to save time and money

For a career, I would like to be involved in the fast developing computer industry and more particularly with the Internet.

I think it has immense potential and I would like to be able to develop the Internet to make it help the lives of day to day people. In this way I would also like to help make computers more like humans with for example voice operated user interfaces.

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