question_answer1) Identify cabbage from the following figures.
question_answer2) Which of the following you can eat uncooked? I. II. III. IV. Select your answer from the following choices:
question_answer3) Which of the following is called as the ?king of fruits??
question_answer4) Which of the following things you can drink?
question_answer5) Which of the following you should not eat daily in dinner?
question_answer6) Identify apple from the following choices.
question_answer7) ____ is complete food.
question_answer8) Identify a sweet item from the given choices.
question_answer9) Which of the following items, you do not drink?
question_answer10) If we do not take healthy food regularly what can happen to us?
question_answer11) Identify the food which we get from animals.
question_answer12) Food gives us ___ to do work.
question_answer13) Which of the following cannot be eaten raw?
question_answer14) Which of the following we should not eat daily?
question_answer15) Which of the following can be considered as healthy food?
question_answer16) Which of the following things we get from plants?
question_answer17) ____ makes our bones and teeth strong.
question_answer18) We get pulses from:
question_answer19) We need food to:
question_answer20) Which of the following pair is incorrect?
question_answer21) Which of the following is correct?
question_answer22) Food does not give us energy to:
question_answer23) The food that keeps us healthy and strong is:
question_answer24) Which of the following is a source of food?
question_answer25) Which of the following we should take in our food daily?
question_answer26) Which of the following is also known as an eggplant?
question_answer27) Which of the following is not a healthy drink?
question_answer28) Find the odd one out.
question_answer29) Which of the following is not a fruit?
question_answer30) It is usually green or red in colour and is very tangy and hot. It is:
question_answer31) We lose water from our body by:
question_answer32) Which of the following is a fruit?
question_answer33) Which of the following foods we get from the roots of the plants?
question_answer34) We can take care of our teeth:
question_answer35) Which of the following is boiled before use?
question_answer36) We will fall sick when:
question_answer37) We take ____ in the morning.
question_answer38) Which of the following is a snack?
question_answer39) A yellow coloured fruit with many round seeds inside it is:
question_answer40) Which of the following is sour in taste?
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