question_answer1) Which of the following is living thing?
question_answer2) Which one of following is a non- living thing?
question_answer3) Which of the following is false statement?
question_answer4) Which of the following animals is the largest in size?
question_answer5) Which of the animals guards our house at night?
question_answer6) Which of the following things can grow?
question_answer7) Which of the following does not breathe?
question_answer8) Which of the following is not correct?
question_answer9) Which of the following is wrongly placed in the following groups: Fish Pen Banana Tree Table Ice-Cream Chair Money Plant Sofa Rabbit Books
question_answer10) Find the odd one from the following:-
question_answer11) Which of the following is non- living thing?
question_answer12) Which of the following does not need any food.
question_answer13) Which of the following show movement on their own?
question_answer14) Which of the following live in water?
question_answer15) I can walk, jump move, eat, drink etc. I come under the group-
question_answer16) Which of the following is true of the given figure?
question_answer17) All living beings need to stay healthy.
question_answer18) Which of the following living things move on their own?
question_answer19) Which of the following is living things in the following figure:
question_answer20) Which of the following do not reproduce?
question_answer21) Which of the following organism can fly in air on its own?
question_answer22) Which of the following is a living organism?
question_answer23) Which of the following is a / are true statements (s)?
question_answer24) In the figure find out the living thing:-
question_answer25) Living organisms
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