9th Class Science Tissues Question Bank 9th CBSE Science Tissues

  • question_answer
      Our will can control some of the action of our body but some are not in our control. Comment.


                      Some of the action like moving our limbs, fingers, moving neck, etc, can be controlled by our will. We can move these parts of our body, whenever we want to but some actions of our body like contraction and relaxation of heart, blinking of eye, etc. are not under our control. We cannot stop functioning of heart, when we want to do so.                                (2) The actions, which can be manipulated by our wish is known as voluntary action. The muscle, which can perform voluntary action are voluntary muscle. These muscles are also called as skeletal muscles or striated muscles. These muscles are mostly attached to bones and help in body movement. The cells of this tissue are long, cylindrical, un branched and multinucleate (having many nuclei). The actions, which is not under our control are known as involuntary action. These actions are performed by smooth muscles or involuntary muscles. The cells are long with pointed ends (spindle-shaped) and uninucleate (single nucleus).                       (2)

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