question_answer1) A line segment is drawn between two parallel lines in such a way that its end points lies on the lines as shown in the figure. Let R is the midpoint of PQ then any line segment which passes through R and having the end points on parallel lines then:
question_answer2) In the figure given below: PQRS is a quadrilateral in which . A line segment ST which passes through the midpoint of QR meet at point T when PQ produced then:
question_answer3) If in a triangle, from the midpoint of a side, draw perpendicular to the other side in such a way that length of perpendiculars are equal then:
question_answer4) Which one of the following statements is incorrect?
question_answer5) PQR is a right angled triangle in which right angle is at Q. Find the radius of the circle which is inscribed in it when the two sides which form right angle as 5 cm and 12 cm?
question_answer6) In an isoscelesand then:
question_answer7) If P be the area of right angled triangle ABC, right angle at B then the length of perpendicular on the hypotenuse is...... .
question_answer8) The value of x, y and z in the following similar figure is:
question_answer9) In the figure given below: and
question_answer10) In a rightright angle at Q, if L and M are the points on sides PQ and PR respectively then:
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