question_answer1) Who was Hitler's propaganda Minister?
question_answer2) How Hitler's end came?
question_answer3) What was Nazism?
question_answer4) Which tribunal was set up after world war II to punish the Nazis for their crime against humanity?
question_answer5) What was 'Genocidal war'?
question_answer6) How was Germany defeated in World War I?
question_answer7) How Germany adopted democratic Constitution?
question_answer8) What was Reichstag?
question_answer9) Name the peace treaty signed after World War I.
question_answer10) How was Weimer Republic made to pay for the sins of old empire?
question_answer11) Who were called 'November Criminals'?
question_answer12) Who were Free Corps?
question_answer13) What happened when Germany refused to pay war reparation to France?
question_answer14) Why the value of German currency ?mark? fell?
question_answer15) What does 'Hyperinflation' mean?
question_answer16) How Germany came out of this financial crisis?
question_answer17) What was the condition of unemployed youth in Germany during economic crisis:
question_answer18) What does 'Proletarianisation' mean?
question_answer19) What was 'Article 48' of Weimer Republic?
question_answer20) Who was Hitler?
question_answer21) How 'Nazi Party' was formed?
question_answer22) Under which situation Nazi Propaganda was appreciated?
question_answer23) What promise was made by Hitler as a leader of Germany to the people?
question_answer24) How Nazi's mobilised the masses?
question_answer25) How Nazis projected Hitler?
question_answer26) When and by whom Hitler was offered highest position in the Cabinet of ministers
question_answer27) How Hitler started dismantling democratic rule in Germany?
question_answer28) What does 'The fire Decreed
question_answer29) What was 'Concentration Camp'?
question_answer30) What was 'Enabling Act'?
question_answer31) Which Security forces were created by Nazis to control order in society?
question_answer32) Which famous economist was appointed by Hitler for economic recovery?
question_answer33) How did Hitler follow the slogan of 'One people, one empire and leader'?
question_answer34) What was the immediate cause of World War II?
question_answer35) Among which three countries 'Tripartite Pact' was signed?
question_answer36) When did US enter the World War II?
question_answer37) When did Second World War end?
question_answer38) What social hierarchy was formed by Hitler?
question_answer39) Who was Darwin?
question_answer40) Who was Herbert Spencer?
question_answer41) What were Nazi views about Aryan Race?
question_answer42) Who were considered 'undesirable' by Hitler?
question_answer43) Why Jews were the worst sufferers in Nazi Germany?
question_answer44) What was 'Pseudoscientific theory of race' followed by Hitler?
question_answer45) How were Polish children treated by Nazis?
question_answer46) How schools in Nazi Germany were 'cleansed' and 'purified'?
question_answer47) What was ?Jungvolk? ?
question_answer48) How honour crosses were awarded to women for producing children?
question_answer49) Which terms were used by Nazis for torturing 'undesirable'?
question_answer50) What were the 'gas chambers' called?
question_answer51) Which was the most in famous film in which orthodox Jews were stereotyped and marked?
question_answer52) How were ?Jews? referred in films?
question_answer53) Who wrote the book 'Third Reich of Dreams'?
question_answer54) What was written in this book?
question_answer55) What was 'Holocaust'?
question_answer56) How do we come to know about Holocaust today?
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