question_answer1) Mention any three factors that contribute to the vulnerability of human population to earthquakes
question_answer2) Explain the four strategies to mitigate the effects of Earthquake.
question_answer3) What are the typical effects of an earthquake?
question_answer4) Discuss some mitigation strategies which can be adopted to minimise losses during landslides.
question_answer5) Explain landslides and its three typical harmful effects.
question_answer6) Explain any four natural factors responsible for landslides.
question_answer7) Which organisations issue flood warning in India?
question_answer8) Which are the flood prone areas in India?
question_answer9) Suggest any four measures to protect buildings from floods.
question_answer10) Explain the main mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of floods.
question_answer11) What are the hazards associated with cyclones?
question_answer12) Discuss some mitigation strategies to protect the coastal regions from effects of a cyclone. Or Suggest four mitigation strategies to reduce the risk of cyclones.
question_answer13) Discuss the impact of 1999 Orissa Super-cyclone.
question_answer14) What are the main causes of drought in our country?
question_answer15) List the areas which face frequent droughts in our country?
question_answer16) How can droughts be prevented in India?
question_answer17) Explain Rainwater harvesting.
question_answer18) Suggest mitigation strategies to reduce the impact of droughts.
question_answer19) What are the harmful effects of droughts?
question_answer20) Discuss the indirect aggravators of droughts.
question_answer21) ?Conservation of water has been traditional practice in India.? Explain the statement with examples.
question_answer22) List ways to conserve water in day-to-day life.
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