question_answer1) Name some dangerous events caused by an earthquake
question_answer2) What is tsunami? How is it caused?
question_answer3) India is divided into how many seismic zones?
question_answer4) Which regions of India are on V Seismic zone?
question_answer5) Which seismic zone does your city fall in? Has your city even experienced an earthquake?
question_answer6) What is the function of 'The Bureau of Indian Standards'?
question_answer7) Give two examples of sudden onset hazards.
question_answer8) Give two examples of slow onset hazards.
question_answer9) Give two examples of industrial/technological hazards.
question_answer10) State any two mitigation strategies of earthquake.
question_answer11) Which are the areas generally prone to landslides?
question_answer12) What are the elements of risk in landslide prone areas?
question_answer13) What is the most cheapest way to prevent run-off and soil erosion due to landslides?
question_answer14) Name the common factors triggering landslides?
question_answer15) What are the causes of flooding?
question_answer16) Which two regions are the most flood prone in India?
question_answer17) Which is the main season for floods in India?
question_answer18) Mention any two types of flood control measures.
question_answer19) What is Super-cyclone? Where and when did it strike?
question_answer20) Which are cyclone-prone areas in India?
question_answer21) Name the two states most affected by cyclones in India.
question_answer22) In which two water bodies the frequency of tropical cyclones is the greatest?
question_answer23) Name the organisation which is responsible to issuing warnings against cyclones.
question_answer24) By which means is cyclone warning disseminated?
question_answer25) What is meant by drought?
question_answer26) When does a country face drought conditions?
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