12th Class Accountancy Fundamentals of Partnership Question Bank Assertion and Reason - Accounting for Partnership Firm - Fundamental

  • question_answer
    Assertion (A) :
    When partners Capitals are Fixed, it means that the capitals of the partners remain unchanged unless additional capital is introduced or withdrawal is made from the existing capital.
    Reason (R) :
    Withdrawal from the capital for personal use will not be treated as drawings whether Capitals are fixed or fluctuating.
    Choose the Correct Option from the following:

    A) Assertion and Reason both are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of assertion

    B) Assertion and Reason both are correct but Reason is not correct explanation of assertion

    C) Both Assertion and Reason are not correct

    D) Reason is correct but Assertion is not correct

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    Assertion and Reason both are correct but Reason is not correct explanation of assertion

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