SSC Quantitative Aptitude Average Question Bank Average (I)

  • question_answer
    The average age of a husband and a wife was 23 yr when they were married 5 yr ago. The average age of the husband, the wife and a child who was born during the interval, is 20 yr now. How old is the child now?

    A) Less than 1 yr

    B) 1 yr

    C) 3 yr

    D) 4 yr

    Correct Answer: D

    Solution :

    [d] Total age of husband and wife now \[=[(23\times 2)+(5\times 2)]\,yr=56\,yr\] Total age of husband, wife and child now \[=(20\times 3)\,yr=60\,yr\] \[\therefore \] Age of the child \[=(60-56)\,yr\] \[=4\,yr\]

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