SSC Quantitative Aptitude Average Question Bank Average (II)

  • question_answer
    A batsman has a certain average runs for 11 innings. In the 12th inning, he made a score of 90 runs and thereby decreased his average by 5. His average after 12th inning is

    A) 127

    B) 145

    C) 150

    D) 217

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Let the average runs for 11 innings be x Then, \[11x+90=(x-5)\times 12\]\[\Rightarrow \]\[x=150\] Average after 12th inning             \[=\frac{11x+90}{12}\]             \[=\frac{(11\times 150+90)}{12}=\frac{1740}{12}=145\]

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