12th Class Biology Molecular basis of Inheritance / विरासत का आणविक आधार Question Bank Case Based - Molecular Basis of Inheritance

  • question_answer
    Direction: Read the following and answer the questions from given below
    The Meselson and Stahl experiment was an experiment to prove that DNA replication was semiconservative and it was first shown in Escherichia coli and subsequently in higher organisms, such as plants and human cells. Semiconservative replication means that when the double stranded DNA helix was replicated, each of the two double-stranded helices consisted of one strand coming from the parental helix and one is newly synthesised.
    (v) Given diagram depicts the experiment of Meselson and Stahl.
    Which of the following is correctly depicted above?
    I. Equal amount of light DNA and hybrid DNA was observed in E. coli culture after one generations.
    II. The generation time of E. coli culture was 40 minutes.
    III. Equal amount of light DNA and hybrid DNA was observed in E. coli culture after two generations.

    A) I and II                         

    B) Only III

    C) I and III                        

    D) II and III

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Only observation III is depicted in the figure is correct. Equal amount of light DNA and hybrid DNA was observed in E. coli culture after the two generations.

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