12th Class Biology Molecular basis of Inheritance / विरासत का आणविक आधार Question Bank Case Based - Molecular Basis of Inheritance

  • question_answer
    Direction: Read the following and answer the questions from given below Transfer RNA (tRNA) serves as the nucleic acid decoding device that reads the triplet genetic code of messenger RNA (mRNA) and causes the insertion of codon-specific amino acids in a growing protein chain during the process of translation in the ribosome. A particular triplet codon in a mRNA is read by a dRNA through one of its loop, which has triplet of anticodon residues that base pair with the codon. Each <RNA is charged with a particular amino acid at its 3' end.
    (i) The presence of an adaptor molecule that would on one hand read the code and on the other hand would bind to specific amino acids was postulated by

    A) Francis Crick     

    B) James Watson

    C) Rosalind Franklin           

    D) Griffith

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    [a] Sir Francis Crick discovered the adaptor molecule or tRNA. But its 3-dimentional structure or compact form was given by Klug in 1974.

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