12th Class Biology Molecular basis of Inheritance / विरासत का आणविक आधार Question Bank Case Based - Molecular Basis of Inheritance

  • question_answer
    Observe the diagram given below of Hershey and Chase experiment and answer the following questions.
    (iii) In Hershey and Chase experiment, radioactive 32 P was used to culture bacteriophage which resulted in radioactive

    A) viral DNA

    B) bacterial capsule

    C) viral protein

    D) plasma membrane of bacteria

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    [a] Hershey and Chase grew some viruses on a medium that contained radioactive Phosphoms Handsome others on medium that contained radioactive sulphur \[{{(}^{32}}S)\]. Viruses grown in the presence of radioactive phosphorus contained radioactive DNA, but not radioactive protein because DNA contains phosphorus' but Protein coat lacks it. Similarly, viruses grown on radioactive sulphur contained radioactive protein coat but not radioactive DNA because UNA does not contain sulphur

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