SSC English Cloze Test Question Bank Cloze Test (II)

  • question_answer
    Directions: in the following questions, you have passages where some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then, fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Then slowly, as the years went by, this man began to grow and like a mountain 391 from clouds to mists, to 392 the whole landscape of our world. We came to recognize in him the great nationalist leader who was 393 four hundred millions of his countrymen from the armed tyranny of alien rule, this in 394 and unparalleled war which made no resort to force, violence or bloodshed. Then, 395 and very much I think to our own surprise, we found that we were 396 Gandhi as a saint of pure and humble life, worthy in every word and deed of the beatitude 397 him in his own life time, of Mahatma, 'the Great Soul'. And then strangely and almost unconsciously, we 398 an affection for this man, an affection which left us 399 as though by a deep personal loss when the word 400 the seas that he was dying.

    A) slowly

    B) by and by

    C) by the by

    D) gradually

    Correct Answer: D

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