SSC English Cloze Test Question Bank Cloze Test (II)

  • question_answer
    Directions: in the following questions you have passages where some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.
    When we visited the volcano it was in a state of 51. We stood near tip of the 52 on an irregular plane. It was heaped 53 stones and cinders and 54 rocks which had been regularly 55 out from the volcano. During the volcanic eruption large quantities of rocks and stones were hurled out from the summit in terrible 56. From the summit volumes 57 smoke and fountains of liquid fire 58 forth continuously. The smoke now white now impenetrably black was 59 by a deep fiery roar. Stones 60 down and the molten lava moved on with a horrible sound.

    A) calm    

    B) confusion

    C) horror

    D) speed

    Correct Answer: D

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