The Monkey and the Crocodile |
Once lived a monkey on a tree top along the side of river Shipra. Every evening, al crocodile would come to meet him. They seemed to be best friends. |
One day the crocodile offered the monkey to have a ride on his back in the river. The monkey readily agreed. Both of them were soon in the river enjoying loud splashes. After some time, the crocodile turned indifferent and hostile to the monkey revealing that he desired to eat his liver and so wanted to kill him. The monkey being clever immediately replied that incidentally he has left it on the tree-top and promised to bring it back. The gullible and foolish crocodile believed him and carried him back. Immediately the monkey jumped to the top of the tree and rebuked the rocodile for his dishonesty. |
A) Greedy
B) Dishonest
C) Footler
D) Clever
E) None of these
Correct Answer: A
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