It makes an assessment of the material, economic and human resources of the country. doneclear
It makes recommendations to the President of India with regard to distribution of proceeds of taxes between the Union and the States. doneclear
It formulates plans for the most effective and balanced utilisation of country's resources. doneclear
It appraises from time to time the progress made in the execution of each stage of the plan and recommends adjustments in policy and measures which it deems necessary. doneclear
The Planning Commission prepares the plan in consultation with Union Ministries and State Governments. doneclear
The various Central Ministries and State Governments draw up their own plans according to their needs, irrespective of the allocation received. doneclear
An effort is made through negotiation and discussion to secure agreement among the Central Ministries and State Governments regarding planning. doneclear
The draft five year plan prepared by the Planning Commission is placed before the Parliament for its sanction. doneclear