question_answer1) The dependence of binding energy per nucleon, \[{{B}_{N}}\] on the mass number, A, is represented by [AIIMS 2004; DCE 2003, 04]
question_answer2) The graph between wave number \[(\bar{\nu })\] and angular frequency (w) is [AIIMS 2002]
question_answer3) Binding energy per nucleon plot against the mass number for stable nuclei is shown in the figure. Which curve is correct [Orissa JEE 2002]
question_answer4) A radioactive sample consists of two distinct species having equal number of atoms initially. The mean life time of one species is t and that of the other is 5t. The decay products in both cases are stable. A plot is made of the total number of radioactive nuclei as a function of time. Which of the following figures best represents the form of this plot [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2001]
question_answer5) Radioactive element decays to form a stable nuclide, then the rate of decay of reactant \[\left( \frac{dN}{dt} \right)\] will vary with time (t) as shown in figure [DCE 2000]
question_answer6) A radioactive sample has \[{{N}_{0}}\] active atoms at \[t=0\]. If the rate of disintegration at any time is R and the number of atoms is N, then the ratio R/N varies with time as
question_answer7) The count rate of 10g of radioactive material was measured at different times and this has been shown in the figure. The half-life of material and the total counts (approximately) in the first half life period, respectively are [CPMT 1986]
question_answer8) The fraction f of radioactive material that has decayed in time t, varies with time t. The correct variation is given by the curve
question_answer9) Binding energy per nucleon verses mass number curve for nuclei is shown in the figure. W, X, Y and Z are four nuclei indicated on the curve. The process that would release energy is [IIT-JEE 1999]
question_answer10) The plot of the number \[(N)\] of decayed atoms versus activity \[(A)\] of a radioactive substance is
question_answer11) If in hydrogen atom, radius of \[{{n}^{th}}\] Bohr orbit is \[{{r}_{n}},\] frequency of revolution of electron in \[{{n}^{th}}\] orbit is \[{{f}_{n}}\] choose the correct option
question_answer12) The graph between the instantaneous concentration \[(N)\] of a radioactive element and time \[(t)\] is
question_answer13) In Fig. X represents time and Y represent activity of a radioactive sample. Then the activity of sample, varies with time according to the curve
question_answer14) The graph which represents the correct variation of logarithm of activity (log A) versus time, in figure is
question_answer15) The charge density in a nucleus varies with distance from the centre of the nucleus according to the curve in Fig.
question_answer16) The graph between log R and log A where R is the nuclear radius and A is the mass number is
question_answer17) The curve between the activity A of a radioactive sample and the number of active atoms N is
question_answer18) The graph between number of decayed atoms \[{N}'\]of a radioactive element and time t is
question_answer19) The figure shows a graph between \[\ln \left| \frac{{{A}_{n}}}{{{A}_{1}}} \right|\] and ln|n|, where \[{{A}_{n}}\] is the area enclosed by the nth orbit in a hydrogen like atom. The correct curve is
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