12th Class English Deep Water - William Douglas Question Bank MCQs - Deep Water

  • question_answer
    Direction (9 - 12): Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow by choosing the correct option.
    Then all effort ceased. I relaxed. Even my legs felt limp and a blackness swept over my brain. It wiped out fear; it wiped out terror. There was no more panic. It was quiet and peaceful. Nothing to be afraid of. This is nice... to be drowsy... to go to sleep... no need to jump... too tired to jump... ifs nice to be carried gently... to float along in space... tender arms around me... tender arms like Mother's... now I must go to sleep... I crossed to oblivion and the curtain of life fell.
    Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.
    Statement 1 The author tried his best to jump out of water.
    Statement 2 After a while, the author was not anxious in water.

    A) If Statement 1 is the cause, Statement 2 is the effect.

    B) If Statement 1 is the effect, Statement 2 is the cause.

    C) Both the statements are the effects of a common cause.

    D) Both the statements are the effects of independent causes.

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :


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