10th Class Mathematics Real Numbers Question Bank MCQs - Real Numbers

  • question_answer
    The rational form of \[0.2\overline{54}\]is in the form of \[\frac{p}{q}\]then \[(p+q)\] is:

    A) 14

    B) 55

    C) 69

    D) None of these

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    Sol.      [c] Let.       \[x=0.2\overline{54},\]
    then             \[x=0.2545454......\]               ...(1)
    Multiplying eq. (1) by 100. we get
    \[100\text{x}=\text{25}.\text{4545}..........\]                    ...(2)
    Subtracting eq. (1) from eq. (2). we get
    \[\Rightarrow \,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,x=\frac{252}{990}=\frac{14}{55}\]
    Comparing with \[\frac{p}{q},\]we get
    and                   \[q=55\]
    Hence,           \[\text{p}+\text{q}=\text{14}+\text{55}=\text{69}\]

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