12th Class Biology Reproductive Health Question Bank MCQs - Reproductive Health

  • question_answer
    Which of the following statements are correctly associated with Saheli?
    I. It is a 'once a week' pill with very few side effects.
    II. This contraceptive was a developed at CDRI Lucknow.
    III. Saheli is an oral pill containing a steroidal preparation.
    IV. This oral contraceptive is known to cause multiple side effects in women and has low contraceptive value.

    A) III and IV                      

    B) I and II

    C) I, II and III                    

    D) All of these

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Statements I and II are correct for Saheli pills. 'Sahelf a new oral contraceptive for females was developed at CDRI in Lucknow. It is once in a week pill with non-steroidal preparation. It has few side effects and a high contraceptive value.

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