12th Class Biology Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plant / फूलों के पौधों में यौन प्रजनन Question Bank MCQs - Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

  • question_answer
    Which of the following statements are true about self-pollination?
    I. It is most economic method as wastage of pollen grain is minimum.
    II. Genetic stability can be maintained in the progeny through self-pollination.
    III. Undesirable characters can be eliminated through self- pollination.
    IV. Continued self-pollination may result in weaker progeny.
    Choose the correct option.

    A) Statements I, II, IV are correct and III is incorrect

    B) Statement III is correct and I, II, IV are incorrect

    C) Statements I and III are correct and II, IV are incorrect

    D) All statements are correct

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    [a] Statements I, II and IV are correct, whereas statement III is inocrrect about self-pollination. Incorrect statement can be corrected as Self-pollination reduces the vigour and vitality of the plant and undesirable characters cannot be eliminated by it.

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