SSC Quantitative Aptitude Mixture And Alligation Question Bank Mixture and Allegation (I)

  • question_answer
    20 L of a mixture contains 20% alcohol and the rest water. If 4 L of water be mixed in it, the percentage of alcohol in the new mixture will be [SSC CGL Tier II, 2014]

    A) \[33\frac{1}{3}\]

    B) \[16\frac{2}{3}\]

    C) \[25\]

    D) \[12\frac{1}{2}\]

    Correct Answer: B

    Solution :

    [b] Amount of alcohol in 20 L of mixture \[=20%\]of \[20\,L=\frac{20\times 20}{100}=4\,L\] \[\therefore \] Water in the mixture \[=20-4=16\,L\] Now, 4 L of water is further added \[\therefore \] Amount of water in\[16+4=20\,L\] \[\therefore \] Percentage of alcohol in new mixture \[\text{=}\frac{\text{Amount}\,\,\text{of}\,\,\text{alcohol}}{\text{Total}\,\,\text{mixture}}\text{ }\!\!\times\!\!\text{ 100 }\!\!%\!\!\text{ }\] \[=\frac{4}{24}\times 100=\frac{100}{6}%=\frac{50}{3}%=16\frac{2}{3}%\]

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