question_answer1) The credit of the discovery of the first Palaeolith in India which opened the field of prehistoric studies in the country goes to
question_answer2) From which of the following regions, the remains of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures have been found in a sequence?
question_answer3) In which Indian state, Inamgaon is located?
question_answer4) A Homo erectus skull was found at one of the following sites
question_answer5) The earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian subcontinent has been obtained from
question_answer6) Robert Bruce Foote, who discovered first Palaeolithic tool in India, was originally a
question_answer7) Which one of the following sites is famous for prehistoric paintings?
question_answer8) Dogs were buried in human burials at
question_answer9) Ash mounds are related to the Neolithic culture of
question_answer10) An upper Palaeolithic Mother Goddess made of bone has been obtained from
question_answer11) Who among the following cultures were the first to paint their pottery? [NDA 2012-II]
question_answer12) Which one of the following sites has yielded the cultural remains from Neolithic to Harappan period? [UP-PCS 2008]
question_answer13) Earliest evidence of rice cultivation in the Ganga valley has been found at [UP-PCS 2008]
question_answer14) Which rock - shelter in India bears largest number of paintings? [UP-PCS 2008]
question_answer15) The earliest inscription on stone was in which language? [UP-PCS 2009]
question_answer16) The three age system - Stone. Bronze and Iron from the collection of Copengagen museum was coined by [UP-PCS 2010]
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