12th Class Business Studies Marketing Question Bank Passage Bassed Questions

  • question_answer
    Direction: Q. 5 to 8
    Read the given passages and answer the questions that follow.
    II. As a project, the members of the Green Eco Club thought of setting up a process for recycling waste paper from the club premises, and recycling them into registers and exercise books to be used by the poor or needy students of the society.
    They approached their president who not only appreciated the idea but also gave his consent for the same. He insisted that they must focus on quality, performance and features of their products. At the same time, production must be pollution-free. The club also decided to donate 50% of the revenue generated from the sales of registers and exercise books to a school for special children.
    Identify the most appropriate communication tool for promotion of registers and exercise books.

    A) Sales Promotion

    B) Advertising

    C) Personal Selling

    D) Public Relations

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

    [a] Club has to design the short-term incentives to encourage the buyers to make immediate purchase of exercise books and registers.

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