SSC Quantitative Aptitude Percentage Question Bank Percentage (II)

  • question_answer
    A reduction of 20% in the price of sugar enables a purchaser to obtain 3 kg more for Rs. 120. The original price of sugar per kg is

    A) Rs. 15

    B) Rs. 12

    C) Rs. 10

    D) Rs. 8

    Correct Answer: C

    Solution :

    [c] Let the original price be Rs. x per kg. Reduced price = Rs. (80% of x) \[=\text{Rs}.\left( \frac{80}{100}\times x \right)=\text{Rs}.\frac{4x}{5}\text{per}\,\,kg\] \[\frac{120}{\left( \frac{4x}{5} \right)}-\frac{120}{x}=3\] \[\Rightarrow \]   \[\frac{120\times 5}{4x}-\frac{120}{x}=3\] \[\Rightarrow \]   \[\frac{150}{x}-\frac{120}{x}=3\] \[\Rightarrow \]   \[3x=(150-120)=30\] \[\Rightarrow \]   \[x=10\] Original price = Rs. 10 per kg

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