JEE Main & Advanced Mathematics Three Dimensional Geometry Question Bank Plane

  • question_answer
    The equation of a plane which passes through (2, ?3, 1) and is normal to the line joining the points (3, 4, ?1) and (2, ?1, 5) is given by      [AI CBSE 1990; MP PET 1993]

    A)            \[x+5y-6z+19=0\]

    B)            \[x-5y+6z-19=0\]

    C)            \[x+5y+6z+19=0\]

    D)            \[x-5y-6z-19=0\]

    Correct Answer: A

    Solution :

               Obviously, \[(x-2)+5(y+3)-6(z-1)=0\]                    \[\Rightarrow \,\,x+5y-6z+19=0\].

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